Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 CalbaAxesCreate 3D axes representation and insert them in the passed renderer: axes can be global (World Coordinates reference system )or local ( VME reference system )
 CalbaBaseAlbaBase - the pourpose of this class is just to groups utilities classes
 CalbaColorAlbaColor is a class representing an RGBA color:
 CalbaDataChecksumClass name: albaDataChecksum Can compute Adler checksum for a given data, and combine two adler checksums in order to obtain a third checksum
 CalbaEventSenderClass acting as an interface for objects using ALBA hierarchical event communication model This object simply defines a SetListener/GetListener functions for connecting with a listener object to create a hierarchy of objects
 CalbaGeometryUtilsClass Name: albaGeometryUtils
 CalbaHelpManagerClass Name: albaHelpManager
 CalbaHTMLTemplateParserBlockClass name: albaHTMLTemplateParserBlock sub-class for Template parsing used by albaHTMLTemplateParser
 CalbaInteractorConstraintClass representing a constraint for the interaction This class is used to store constraint modality parameters and owns a reference system used for constrained interaction
 CalbaItkRawMotionImporterUtilityClass Name: itkRawMotionImporterUtility
 CalbaLUTLibraryA component to handle lookup table libraries
 CalbaObjectAbstract superclass for all ALBA classes implementing RTTI APIs
 CalbaObserverInterface implementing the Observer of the Subject/Observer design pattern
 CalbaOpContextStackAlbaOpContextStack represents the stack used for implementing Undo and Redo mechanism
 CalbaPictureFactoryThis class is normally instantiated as the "albaPics" singleton
 CalbaGUIDynamicVP::albaPipeRegisterClass name: albaPipeRegister This class registe the pipes
 CalbaPlugAvatar< T >Plug a node in the main ALBA Avatar factory
 CalbaPlugDevice< T >Plug a node in the main ALBA Device factory
 CalbaPlugObject< T >Plug generic object into the ALBA Core factory
 CalbaPlugPipe< T >Plug a pipe in the main ALBA Pipe factory
 CalbaPolylineGraphAlbaPolylineGraph class
 CalbaProgressBarHelperAlbaProgressBarHelper Is an helper for manage progress bar advance
 CalbaQuaternionA quaternion
 CalbaQueryObjectClass name: albaQueryObject class dor handling a query data type (stored as std::string), which can be converted to int, long, float double or const char *
 CalbaRefSysClass representing reference system
 CalbaRelationalDatabaseInformationStruct name :albaRelationalDatabaseInformation struct that contains database information useful for connection
 CalbaSceneNodeAlbaSceneNode is a node of albaScenegraph
 CalbaStorableAlbaStorable is an interface for serializable objects
 CalbaStorageElementAbstract class representing the interface for the unit of information stored in the storage
 CalbaTimeStampedClass acting as an interface for timestamped objects This object simply defines few methods for managing a modification time to be used in for process objects
 CalbaUserAlbaUser - Used to manage username and password; store them and give basic function to check user's credentials
 CalbaUtilityAlbaUtility - the pourpose of this class is just to groups utilities classes
 CalbaVect3dClass Name: albaVect3d
 CalbaViewVTK::albaVisualPipeInfoStruct containing information regarding visual pipe plugged into the view
 CalbaVisualPipeInfoStruct containing information regarding visual pipe plugged into the view
 CalbaXMLStringString type for converting const char * to and from XMLString types This is an internal string type to be used only in conjunction with XercecC XML library
 CalbaPolylineGraph::BranchNested Branch class A branch is a connected sequence of vertex id's
 CalbaPolylineGraph::EdgeNested Edge class This is a vertex pair
 CalbaObjectFactory::mmuOverrideInformationMmuOverrideInformation utility class
 Ccodeproject::sorted_vector< K, bNoDuplicates, Pr, A >
 CalbaPolylineGraph::Vertex‍** Logs messages. Formatted *‍/
 CvtkTemplatedList< T >
 CwxDockArtClass name: wxDockArt dock art provider code - a dock provider provides all drawing functionality to the wxAui dock manager
 CwxDockInfoClass name: wxDockInfo This class define properties of a dock
 CwxDockUIPartClass name: wxDockUIPart This class define a UI part of a dock
 CwxPaneButtonClass name: wxPaneButton This class define a button of a pane
 CwxPaneInfoClass name: wxPaneInfo This class define properties of a pane