Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker Class Reference

#include <albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h>

Inheritance diagram for albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

- Public Types inherited from albaDevice
- Public Types inherited from albaAgentEventQueue
enum  DispatchModalities { SelfProcessMode = 0 , BroadcastMode }
enum  PopModalities { SingleEventMode = 0 , MultipleEventMode }
enum  PushModalities { DispatchEventMode =0 , PollingMode }

Public Member Functions

 albaTypeMacro (albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker, albaDeviceButtonsPad)
virtual void OnEvent (albaEventBase *event)
void SetLastPoseMatrix (const albaMatrix &matrix)
albaMatrixGetLastPoseMatrix ()
void SetMoveEventTimeOut (albaTimeStamp t)
albaTimeStamp GetMoveEventTimeOut ()
void SetTrackerToCanonicalTransform (albaTransform *trans)
albaTransformGetTrackerToCanonicalTransform ()
void TrackerToCanonical (const albaMatrix &pose, albaMatrix &dest)
void TrackerToCanonical (albaMatrix &pose)
void TrackerToCanonical (albaTransform *trans)
void CanonicalToTracker (const albaMatrix &pose, albaMatrix &dest)
void CanonicalToTracker (albaMatrix &pose)
void CanonicalToTracker (albaTransform *trans)
void SetAvatar (albaAvatar *avatar)
albaAvatarGetAvatar ()
void SetDefaultAvatar (albaAvatar *avatar)
albaAvatarGetDefaultAvatar ()
void RestoreDefaultAvatar ()
void ComputeTrackerToCanonicalTansform ()
albaOBBGetCanonicalBounds ()
albaOBBGetTrackedBounds ()
double * GetTrackedBoxOrientation ()
double GetMax (double x, double y)
double GetMax3 (double x, double y, double z)
virtual void CreateGui ()
virtual void UpdateGui ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaDeviceButtonsPad
 albaTypeMacro (albaDeviceButtonsPad, albaDevice)
void SetButtonState (int num, bool value, unsigned long modifiers=0)
bool GetButtonState (int num)
int GetNumberOfButtons ()
void SetNumberOfButtons (int num)
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaDevice
 albaTypeMacro (albaDevice, albaAgentThreaded)
unsigned long GetID ()
void SetID (unsigned long id)
virtual void SetName (const char *name)
void SetAutoStart (bool flag)
bool GetAutoStart ()
void AutoStartOn ()
void AutoStartOff ()
virtual int Start ()
virtual void Stop ()
virtual int StartUp ()
void SetPersistentFlag (bool flag)
bool GetPersistentFlag ()
bool IsPersistent ()
albaGUIGetGui ()
virtual void UpdateGui ()
virtual void OnEvent (albaEventBase *event)
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaAgentThreaded
 albaTypeMacro (albaAgentThreaded, albaAgentEventQueue)
int GetThreaded ()
void SetThreaded (int flag)
int Update ()
virtual void OnEvent (albaEventBase *event)
void AsyncSendEvent (albaObserver *target, albaEventBase *event, albaID channel=MCH_UP)
void AsyncSendEvent (albaObserver *target, void *sender, albaID id, albaID channel=MCH_UP, void *data=NULL)
void AsyncInvokeEvent (albaEventBase *event, albaID channel=MCH_UP)
void AsyncInvokeEvent (albaID id, albaID channel=MCH_UP, void *data=NULL)
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaAgentEventQueue
 albaTypeMacro (albaAgentEventQueue, albaAgent)
bool PushEvent (albaEventBase &event)
virtual bool PushEvent (albaEventBase *event)
bool PushEvent (albaID event_id, void *sender, void *data=NULL)
albaEventBasePeekEvent ()
albaEventBasePeekLastEvent ()
int GetQueueSize ()
bool IsQueueEmpty ()
virtual bool DispatchEvents ()
void SetDequeueMode (int mode)
int GetDequeueMode ()
void SetDequeueModeToMultipleEvent ()
void SetDequeueModeToSingleEvent ()
void SetDispatchMode (int mode)
int GetDispatchMode ()
void SetDispatchModeToSelfProcess ()
void SetDispatchModeToBroadcast ()
void SetPushMode (int mode)
int GetPushMode ()
void SetPushModeToDispatchEvent ()
void SetPushModeToPolling ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaAgent
 albaAbstractTypeMacro (albaAgent, albaReferenceCounted)
void AddObserver (albaObserver *listener, albaID channel=MCH_UP)
void RemoveObserver (albaObserver *listener)
void RemoveAllObservers ()
virtual void OnEvent (albaEventBase *event)
bool HasObservers (albaID channel)
void GetObservers (albaID channel, std::vector< albaObserver * > &olist)
int Initialize ()
void Shutdown ()
int IsInitialized ()
virtual void SetName (const char *name)
const char * GetName ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaReferenceCounted
 albaReferenceCounted ()
virtual ~albaReferenceCounted ()
 albaAbstractTypeMacro (albaReferenceCounted, albaObject)
virtual void Delete ()
void Register (void *obj)
virtual void UnRegister (void *obj)
int GetReferenceCount ()
void SetReferenceCount (int)
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaObject
 albaObject ()
virtual ~albaObject ()
virtual void Delete ()
virtual const char * GetTypeName () const
virtual bool IsA (const char *type_name) const
virtual bool IsA (const albaTypeID &type_id) const
virtual albaObjectNewObjectInstance () const =0
virtual const albaTypeIDGetTypeId () const
virtual void Print (std::ostream &os, const int indent=0) const
 albaObject (const albaObject &c)
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaObserver
 albaObserver ()
virtual ~albaObserver ()
virtual void OnEvent (albaEventBase *e)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaEventBroadcaster
 albaEventBroadcaster (void *owner=NULL)
virtual ~albaEventBroadcaster ()
 albaEventBroadcaster (const albaEventBroadcaster &c)
void AddObserver (albaObserver *obj)
void AddObserver (albaObserver &obj)
albaObserverCallbackAddObserverCallback (void(*f)(void *sender, albaID eid, void *clientdata, void *calldata))
bool RemoveObserver (albaObserver *obj)
void RemoveAllObservers ()
bool IsObserver (albaObserver *obj)
bool HasObservers ()
void GetObservers (std::vector< albaObserver * > &olist)
void InvokeEvent (albaEventBase &e)
void InvokeEvent (albaEventBase *e)
void InvokeEvent (void *sender, albaID id=ID_NO_EVENT, void *data=NULL)
void SetChannel (albaID ch)
albaID GetChannel ()
virtual void SetListener (albaObserver *o)
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaEventSender
 albaEventSender ()
virtual void SetListener (albaObserver *o)
virtual albaObserverGetListener ()
virtual bool HasListener ()
virtual void InvokeEvent (albaEventBase &e)
virtual void InvokeEvent (albaEventBase *e)
virtual void InvokeEvent (void *sender, albaID id=ID_NO_EVENT, void *data=NULL)
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaStorable
 albaStorable ()
int Store (albaStorageElement *element)
int Restore (albaStorageElement *element)
albaObjectCastToObject ()
bool IsStorable ()

Static Public Member Functions

static albaID GetTracker3DMoveId ()
static albaID GetTrackerBoundsUpdatedId ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from albaDeviceButtonsPad
static albaID GetButtonDownId ()
static albaID GetButtonUpId ()
static albaID GetWheelId ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from albaObject
static const char * GetStaticTypeName ()
static bool IsStaticType (const char *type_name)
static bool IsStaticType (const albaTypeID &type_id)
static const albaTypeIDGetStaticTypeId ()
static albaObjectSafeDownCast (albaObject *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from albaStorable
static albaStorableSafeCastToObject (albaObject *o)

Protected Member Functions

 albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker ()
virtual ~albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker ()
virtual int InternalStore (albaStorageElement *node)
virtual int InternalRestore (albaStorageElement *node)
virtual int InternalInitialize ()
virtual void InternalShutdown ()
virtual void SendButtonEvent (albaEventInteraction *event)
int AvatarChooser (wxString &avatar_name, wxString &avatar_type)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from albaDeviceButtonsPad
 albaDeviceButtonsPad ()
virtual ~albaDeviceButtonsPad ()
virtual void SendButtonEvent (albaEventInteraction *event)
int FlagCheck (bool event, bool &flag)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from albaDevice
 albaDevice ()
virtual ~albaDevice ()
virtual int InternalInitialize ()
virtual void CreateGui ()
virtual int InternalStore (albaStorageElement *node)
virtual int InternalRestore (albaStorageElement *node)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from albaAgentThreaded
 albaAgentThreaded ()
virtual ~albaAgentThreaded ()
virtual void RequestForDispatching ()
void StopThread ()
virtual int InternalInitialize ()
virtual void InternalShutdown ()
virtual int InternalUpdate ()
int GetActiveFlag ()
void SignalNewMessage ()
void WaitForNewMessage ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from albaAgentEventQueue
 albaAgentEventQueue ()
virtual ~albaAgentEventQueue ()
albaEventBasePopEvent ()
int PopEvent (albaEventBase &event)
virtual int PopEvent (albaEventBase *&event)
bool GetDispatched ()
void SetDispatched (bool value=true)
virtual void RequestForDispatching ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from albaAgent
 albaAgent ()
virtual ~albaAgent ()
virtual int InternalInitialize ()
virtual void InternalShutdown ()
void InvokeEvent (albaEventBase &event, albaID channel=-1)
void InvokeEvent (albaEventBase *event, albaID channel=-1)
void InvokeEvent (void *sender, int id, albaID channel=MCH_UP, void *data=NULL)
virtual int InternalStore (albaStorageElement *node)=0
virtual int InternalRestore (albaStorageElement *node)=0

Protected Attributes

int m_LastPose
albaTimeStamp m_LastMoveTime
albaMutexLock m_LastPoseMutex
albaTimeStamp m_MoveEventTimeOut
albaAutoPointer< albaAvatarm_Avatar
albaAutoPointer< albaAvatarm_DefaultAvatar
albaOBB m_CanonicalBounds
int m_AvatarFlag
albaOBB m_TrackedBounds
double m_TrackedBoxOrientation [3]
double m_TBPosition [3]
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaDeviceButtonsPad
bool * m_ButtonState
int m_NumberOfButtons
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaDevice
albaID m_ID
int m_AutoStart
int m_Start
bool m_Locked
bool m_PersistentFalg
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaAgentThreaded
int m_ThreadId
int m_Threaded
int m_ActiveFlag
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaAgentEventQueue
InternalEventQueue * m_EventQueue
int m_DispatchMode
int m_DequeueMode
int m_PushMode
bool m_Dispatched
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaAgent
albaString m_Name
bool m_Initialized
std::vector< albaEventBroadcaster * > m_Channels
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaReferenceCounted
int m_ReferenceCount
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaObject
bool m_HeapFlag
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaEventBroadcaster
albaObserversList m_Observers
albaID m_Channel
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaEventSender
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaStorable
bool m_Storable

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from albaEventBroadcaster
typedef std::list< albaObserver * > albaObserversList
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from albaAgentThreaded
static void UpdateLoop (mmuThreadInfoStruct *data)

Detailed Description

Generic spatial position tracking device.

albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker is a class providing basic functionalities for space trackers, i.e. devices which track an object in space. Specialized classes for specific devices should add their own data structures and reimplemented InternalInitialize and InternalShutdow to activate/stop the device. Tracked pose is expressed by means of a 4x4 matrix. This class issues events each time a new coordinate is available, but if a new coordinate arrives and the last pose has not been consumed (i.e. the last MoveEvent has not been dispatched yet, no event is issued, but the LastPoseMatrix is overwritten. This allows consumer classes to always have last tracked pose. MoveEvent's are albaActionEvent objects, which stores a pose and state of buttons. This class also gives support to transforming from the tracker coordinate system into a canonical coordinate system. The canonical frame is computed by ComputeTrackerToCanonicalTansform() which take as input the tracked volume definition. TrackedVolume is defined as a Oriented Bounding Box, whose bounds is defined by the TrackedBounds member, while the Orientation is defined by the TrackedBoxOrientation member(expressed as Cardan angles according to VTK convention on orientation). The canonical space is related to the tracked volume by TrackerToCanonicalTransform which transforms the TrackedBox into a box centered in the origin, zero rotation and isotropically scaled to normalize max input dimension (e.g. a box of size [-.5,.5,-2,2,-.1,.1] would be scaled to [-.25,.25,-1,1,-.05,.05]. Each tracker can be assigned an avatar (albaAvatar) showing a graphical object moved by tracker's input. The albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker class has a specialized settings class which implements gui for setting the avatar and the tracker's tracked volume. The albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker is also a albaDeviceButtonsPad supporting buttons.

See also
albaDeviceButtonsPad albaGUITrackerSettings albaAvatar
  • manage fusion of position matrices (not working any more)
  • manage multiple button press (rewrite mflActionEvent)
  • use an action event also for move events (rewrite SetLastPoseMatrix() ).

Definition at line 67 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker()

albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker ( )

◆ ~albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker()

virtual albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::~albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ albaTypeMacro()

albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::albaTypeMacro ( albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker  ,

◆ GetTracker3DMoveId()

static albaID albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::GetTracker3DMoveId ( )

return the tracker 3d move id

◆ GetTrackerBoundsUpdatedId()

static albaID albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::GetTrackerBoundsUpdatedId ( )

return th tracker bounds updated id

◆ OnEvent()

virtual void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::OnEvent ( albaEventBase event)

Reimplemented to manage fusion of move events.

Reimplemented from albaDevice.

◆ SetLastPoseMatrix()

void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::SetLastPoseMatrix ( const albaMatrix matrix)

Internally used to set the last pose matrix.

This function make a copy of the matrix, and in case of vtkMatrix4x4 attach a time stamp with the current time. Finally a MoveEvent is rosed. Notice that old MoveEvent's are overwritten by new ones if not yet served.

◆ GetLastPoseMatrix()

albaMatrix & albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::GetLastPoseMatrix ( )

◆ SetMoveEventTimeOut()

void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::SetMoveEventTimeOut ( albaTimeStamp  t)

set the timeout after which the event is discarded (in seconds)

Definition at line 114 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ GetMoveEventTimeOut()

albaTimeStamp albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::GetMoveEventTimeOut ( )

Definition at line 115 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ SetTrackerToCanonicalTransform()

void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::SetTrackerToCanonicalTransform ( albaTransform trans)

Set the transform to be used to map coordinates between tracker and canonical frames.

◆ GetTrackerToCanonicalTransform()

albaTransform * albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::GetTrackerToCanonicalTransform ( )

return the transform mapping coordinates from tracker to canonical frame.

◆ TrackerToCanonical() [1/3]

void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::TrackerToCanonical ( const albaMatrix pose,
albaMatrix dest 

This is used to map the RAW transform in tracker's frame into the canonical frame.

◆ TrackerToCanonical() [2/3]

void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::TrackerToCanonical ( albaMatrix pose)

Definition at line 130 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

References TrackerToCanonical().

Referenced by TrackerToCanonical().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TrackerToCanonical() [3/3]

void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::TrackerToCanonical ( albaTransform trans)

◆ CanonicalToTracker() [1/3]

void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::CanonicalToTracker ( const albaMatrix pose,
albaMatrix dest 

This is used to map a pose in canonical frame into tracker's frame.

◆ CanonicalToTracker() [2/3]

void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::CanonicalToTracker ( albaMatrix pose)

Definition at line 136 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

References CanonicalToTracker().

Referenced by CanonicalToTracker().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CanonicalToTracker() [3/3]

void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::CanonicalToTracker ( albaTransform trans)

◆ SetAvatar()

void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::SetAvatar ( albaAvatar avatar)

Set/Get the avatar assigned to this device.

◆ GetAvatar()

albaAvatar * albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::GetAvatar ( )

Definition at line 142 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ SetDefaultAvatar()

void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::SetDefaultAvatar ( albaAvatar avatar)

Set the default avatar, i.e.

the avatar to be used as default one. An application module can set the avatar to a transient one and then restore the default one. The default avatar is made persistent and will be recreated by means of the object factory when restarting the application. Setting the default avatar automatically calls the SetAvatar() too.

◆ GetDefaultAvatar()

albaAvatar * albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::GetDefaultAvatar ( )

Definition at line 151 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ RestoreDefaultAvatar()

void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::RestoreDefaultAvatar ( )

Restore the avatar to the default one.

An application module can set the avatar to a transient one and then restore the default one.

◆ ComputeTrackerToCanonicalTansform()

void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::ComputeTrackerToCanonicalTansform ( )

Update the Tracker to Canonical transform.

This transform maps the tracked working box into the canonical working box, which is a working box with no orientation and centered around the origin (i.e. a identical pose matrix) and isotropically scaled to fit the [-1,1,-1,1,-1,1] box.

◆ GetCanonicalBounds()

albaOBB & albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::GetCanonicalBounds ( )

return bounds of canonical space

◆ GetTrackedBounds()

albaOBB & albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::GetTrackedBounds ( )

return bounds of tracked volume.

Tracked volume is expessed as an oriented bounding box. For orientation see GetTrackedBoxOrientation()

Definition at line 174 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ GetTrackedBoxOrientation()

double * albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::GetTrackedBoxOrientation ( )

return orientation of tracked volume.

Tracked volume is expessed as an oriented bounding box. For box extents see orientation see GetTrackedBounds()

Definition at line 180 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ GetMax()

double albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::GetMax ( double  x,
double  y 

utility function for finding maximum among 2 values

Definition at line 236 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ GetMax3()

double albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::GetMax3 ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

utility function for finding maximum among 3 values

Definition at line 244 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ CreateGui()

virtual void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::CreateGui ( )

internal function to create device GUI for settings

Reimplemented from albaDevice.

◆ UpdateGui()

virtual void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::UpdateGui ( )

force GUI update

Reimplemented from albaDevice.

◆ InternalStore()

virtual int albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::InternalStore ( albaStorageElement node)

This is used to allow nested serialization of subclasses.

This function is called by Store and is reimplemented in subclasses. Each subclass can store its own subelements which are closed inside the "Device" element. Reimplemented functions should first call Superclass implementation.

Reimplemented from albaDevice.

◆ InternalRestore()

virtual int albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::InternalRestore ( albaStorageElement node)

This function fills in the device with settings restored from the node.

Subclasses should reimplement it to restore custom settings. Reimplemented functions should first call Superclass implementation.

Reimplemented from albaDevice.

◆ InternalInitialize()

virtual int albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::InternalInitialize ( )

start device

Reimplemented from albaDevice.

Reimplemented in albaDeviceButtonsPadTrackerP5Glove, and albaDeviceTrackerWIIMote.

◆ InternalShutdown()

virtual void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::InternalShutdown ( )

to be redefined by subclasses to define the shutdown actions

Reimplemented from albaAgentThreaded.

Reimplemented in albaDeviceButtonsPadTrackerP5Glove, and albaDeviceTrackerWIIMote.

◆ SendButtonEvent()

virtual void albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::SendButtonEvent ( albaEventInteraction event)

add pose matrix to the event

Reimplemented from albaDeviceButtonsPad.

◆ AvatarChooser()

int albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::AvatarChooser ( wxString &  avatar_name,
wxString &  avatar_type 

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_LastPoseMatrix

albaMatrix* albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::m_LastPoseMatrix

stores the last pose matrix

Definition at line 209 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ m_LastPose

int albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::m_LastPose

Flag used when last pose has not been served yet.

Definition at line 210 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ m_LastMoveTime

albaTimeStamp albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::m_LastMoveTime

Time stamp of last MoveEvent.

Definition at line 211 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ m_LastPoseMutex

albaMutexLock albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::m_LastPoseMutex

Definition at line 212 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ m_MoveEventTimeOut

albaTimeStamp albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::m_MoveEventTimeOut

Definition at line 214 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ m_TrackerToCanonicalTransform

albaTransform* albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::m_TrackerToCanonicalTransform

Definition at line 216 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ m_Avatar

albaAutoPointer<albaAvatar> albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::m_Avatar

the current avatar

Definition at line 218 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ m_DefaultAvatar

albaAutoPointer<albaAvatar> albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::m_DefaultAvatar

the avatar set thorugh the GUI

Definition at line 219 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ m_CanonicalBounds

albaOBB albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::m_CanonicalBounds

Bounds of canonical space.

Definition at line 223 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ m_AvatarFlag

int albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::m_AvatarFlag

used for the GUI

Definition at line 224 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ m_TrackedBounds

albaOBB albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::m_TrackedBounds

Stores tracked volume bounds (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)

Definition at line 225 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ m_TrackedBoxOrientation

double albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::m_TrackedBoxOrientation[3]

Used to store the tracked box orientation (VTK's convention: cardan angles)

Definition at line 226 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

◆ m_TBPosition

double albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker::m_TBPosition[3]

Used to store the tracked box center.

Definition at line 227 of file albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: