Todo List
Class albaAbsMatrixPipe
  • check if it's possible to remove the m_Updating flag!
Class albaAvatar3D
  • implement rendering by means of a CameraUpdate event sent to the interaction manager
  • make the avatar have its own GUI plugged into the device gui settings
  • refactoring to have the avatar picking nodes (VME)
Member albaAvatar3D::SetLastPoseMatrix (albaMatrix &matrix)
: Why should we use this instead of using the tracker's one? I'd like to remove this Marco. 28-10-2004:
Class albaAxes
API improvements needed, see albaAxesTest for api improvement use cases
Class albaCameraTransform
  • implement issuing of MATRIX_UPDATE (to be done in albaTranformBase)
Class albaDataPipe
  • rewrite comments
  • modify the GetCurrentBounds to make it call UpdateCurentBounds explicitly!
  • rewrite GetOutput()
  • reerite UpdateBounds()
Class albaDevice
  • check about ID restoring
Class albaDeviceButtonsPadTracker
  • manage fusion of position matrices (not working any more)
  • manage multiple button press (rewrite mflActionEvent)
  • use an action event also for move events (rewrite SetLastPoseMatrix() ).
Class albaDeviceButtonsPadTrackerP5Glove
  • create base class for gloves
  • create GUI with specific settings
  • buttons support
  • mouse mode support
  • improve stability
  • support multiple P5 gloves
Class albaDeviceManager
Class albaGizmoInterface
Class albaGUIGizmoInterface
  • add an ivar to register widgets enabling status: should also refactor dependencies to use this flag.
  • provide a barebone implementation for functions doing nothing
  • enforce superclass implementation by using pure virtuals
Class albaGUIGizmoRotate
Class albaGUIGizmoScale
Class albaGUIGizmoTranslate
Class albaGUILandmark
  • Code cleaning and improve documentation
Class albaGUINamedPanel
decide the ID to associate with the close button
Class albaGUITransformInterface
Class albaGUITransformMouse
Class albaGUITransformTextEntries
Member albaID
to be changed to support 64bit IDs
Class albaInteractionManager
  • check the renderer to be RenFront
Class albaInteractor6DOF
Class albaInteractorConstraint
  • write complete documentation
  • write a debugging Print function
  • complete PrintSelf function
Class albaInteractorGenericInterface
  • togliere shortcut per i vari ref sys (ved todo albaRefSys)
  • fare esempi semplici da usare come tutorial
Class albaInteractorPER
  • complete documentation
  • create interactor for CameraBehavior
  • manage sending events to logic (VME_SELECT, CAMERA_FIT the
Class albaInteractorSER
  • to implement a type safe static binding mechanims
Class albaMatrixPipe
  • to check the m_Updating effect and usefulness
Class albaMTime
  • fix the InterlockedIncrement - which was temporary commented out (sil)
Class albaOBB
  • a Test program
Class albaObserverCallback
  • create a test
Class albaRefSys
  • costruttori che prende le costanti o matrice o transform o VME e si setta il modo. (FATTO!)
  • si deve tenere un puntatore al VME (FATTO!)
  • Set Renderer/VME/Transform etc che non cambia il modo (FATTO!)
  • write documentation
  • complete the PrintSelf
  • use a albaRenderer in place of vtkRenderer
Class albaStorage
  • implement packing (single file)
  • remote files (URL access)
  • improve tmp files management
Class albaStorageElement
  • reimplement children list as a map
Class albaTimeMap< T >

Class albaTimeMapScalar< T >

Class albaTransform
  • Update test for albaTransform to test functions to transform angles
Class albaTransformBase
  • change SetTimeStamp to apply a Modified(), than change matrix pipes to not call it!!!
  • implement issuing of a MATRIX_UPDATED event: add an event source member
Class albaTransformFrame
  • Modifica GetMTime per considerare anche l'MTime di InputFrame e TargetFrame
Class albaVME

  • implement the GetMTime() function: it's used by pipeline to trigger the update
  • Change the SetParent to update the AbsMatrixPipe connections
  • fix the VME_TIME_SET issuing and propagation
  • implement Update() function

  • events invoking
  • add storing of Id and Links
  • test Links and Id
  • test FindInTree functions
  • test node events (attach/detach from tree, destroy)
  • test DeepCopy()
Member albaVME::Restore ()
syntax to be changed
Member albaVME::Store ()
syntax to be changed
Class albaVMEOutput
  • add a GetITKMesh
  • add a GetITKImage
  • try to remove the restore of old data_pipe timestamp inside GetDataBounds()
Class albaVMEStorage
Class albaXMLStorage
  • remove "IncludeWX.h" inclusion from .cpp
  • add support for NULL destination URL
Class mmuTimeSet
  • test Merge of variuos case of time vectors