Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CalbaAbsMatrixPipeAlbaAbsMatrixPipe - this class implements VME tree direct cinematic (AbsMatrix)
 CalbaActionClass used to route events from devices to interactors
 CalbaAgentAn agent is a computational object with a default I/O interface
 CalbaAgentEventHandlerAlbaAgentEventHandler - This class synchronizes events with wxWindows event pump
 CalbaAgentEventQueueBase class for managing event queueing and synchronized dispatching
 CalbaAgentThreadedAn agent processing the queued events on a separate thread
 CalbaAnimateThis component allow to manage camera animation into a view
 CalbaAttachCameraAlbaAttachCamera is tool to attach the camera present in albaRWI to the selected VME
 CalbaAttributeAn abstract class for objects representing an attribute for albaVMEs
 CalbaAttributeTraceabilitySet trials information about operations which created or modified VME
 CalbaAutoPointerHold a reference to a T instance
 CalbaAvatarAvatars are entities moving in the virtual world according to user's movements, and thus representing their presence in the virtual world
 CalbaAvatar2DAvatars are entities moving in the virtual world according to user's movements, and thus representing their presence in the virtual world
 CalbaAvatar3DAvatars are entities moving in the virtual world according to user's movements, and thus representing thier presence in the virtual world
 CalbaAvatar3DConeCreate an avatar with a 3D Cone Simple implementation of avatar being represented in the scene as a Cone
 CalbaAxesCreate 3D axes representation and insert them in the passed renderer: axes can be global (World Coordinates reference system )or local ( VME reference system )
 CalbaBaseAlbaBase - the pourpose of this class is just to groups utilities classes
 CalbaCameraTransformImplement transform between view coordinates to world coordinates
 CalbaColorAlbaColor is a class representing an RGBA color:
 CalbaCoreFactoryObject factory for objects in the ALBA library
 CalbaCStringClass Name : albaCString
 CalbaCurvilinearAbscissaOnSkeletonHelperDecorate input vme with curvilinear abscissa interface for albaVMEPolylineGraph constrained interaction
 CalbaDataChecksumClass name: albaDataChecksum Can compute Adler checksum for a given data, and combine two adler checksums in order to obtain a third checksum
 CalbaDataPipeAbstract class for process objects producing data as output of a VME
 CalbaDeviceThis abstract class manages function calls coming from devices and issue specific events to interactors
 CalbaDeviceButtonsPadDevice implementing interface for buttons
 CalbaDeviceButtonsPadMouseTracking 2D device, i.e
 CalbaDeviceButtonsPadMouseDialogClass name : albaDeviceButtonsPadMouseDialog Add SetView method to albaDeviceButtonsPadMouse class to directly set a view to a mouse object
 CalbaDeviceButtonsPadTrackerGeneric spatial position tracking device
 CalbaDeviceButtonsPadTrackerP5GloveClass supporting device P5 glove from Essential Reality Inc
 CalbaDeviceManagerClass managing the devices inside a ALBA application and the synchronization with wxWindows message pump
 CalbaDeviceSetThis class manages a set of usb-devices, and stores a list of all child devices' pointers
 CalbaDeviceTrackerWIIMoteClass supporting device WII Mote from Nintendo WII Console
 CalbaDirectoryPortable directory/filename traversal
 CalbaDynamicLoaderPortable loading of dynamic libraries or dll's
 CalbaEventAlbaEvent - Class implementing ALBA application events
 CalbaEventBaseImplementation of the message object for the Subject/Observer design pattern
 CalbaEventBroadcasterThis class inerith form albaEventSender and extends albaEventSender with the capacity of send events to multiple objects
 CalbaEventInteractionEvent class to transport a triggering button and a position from pointing devices
 CalbaEventIOImplementation of event used to exchange info about tree I/O
 CalbaEventSenderClass acting as an interface for objects using ALBA hierarchical event communication model This object simply defines a SetListener/GetListener functions for connecting with a listener object to create a hierarchy of objects
 CalbaGeometryUtilsClass Name: albaGeometryUtils
 CalbaGizmoAutoscaleHelperHelper object for gizmo autoscaling ie actor2D-like behavior
 CalbaGizmoBoundingBoxBounding box gizmo for highlighting a region of interest
 CalbaGizmoCrossRotateGizmo used to perform constrained rotation around an axis
 CalbaGizmoCrossRotateAxisBasic gizmo component used to perform constrained rotation around an axis
 CalbaGizmoCrossRotateFanBasic gizmo component used to give rotation angle feedback
 CalbaGizmoCrossRotateTranslateGizmo used to perform constrained roto-translation on a given plane
 CalbaGizmoCrossTranslateGizmo used to perform constrained translation
 CalbaGizmoCrossTranslateAxisBasic gizmo component used to perform constrained translation on one axis
 CalbaGizmoCrossTranslatePlaneBasic gizmo component used to perform constrained translation on a plane
 CalbaGizmoInteractionDebuggerGizmo Helper Object for interaction stuff debug: this class should be expanded and refactored incrementally to ease interaction stuff debug
 CalbaGizmoInterfaceBase class for operations and views gizmos
 CalbaGizmoPathGizmo constrained to arbitrary path..
 CalbaGizmoPathRulerA gizmo representing a ruler that can move on a polyline
 CalbaGizmoPolylineGraphGizmo Helper Object for interaction stuff debug: this class should be expanded and refactored incrementally to ease interaction stuff debug
 CalbaGizmoRotateGizmo used to perform constrained rotation around an axis
 CalbaGizmoRotateCircleBasic gizmo component used to perform constrained rotation around an axis
 CalbaGizmoRotateFanBasic gizmo component used to give rotation angle feedback
 CalbaGizmoScaleGizmo used to perform constrained scaling along the x, yz axis or the xy, xz, yz plane
 CalbaGizmoScaleAxisBasic gizmo component used to perform constrained scaling along one axis
 CalbaGizmoScaleIsotropicGizmo component used to perform isotropic scaling
 CalbaGizmoSliceGizmo typically used to move volume slices
 CalbaGizmoTranslateGizmo used to perform constrained translation along the x, yz axis or the xy, xz, yz plane
 CalbaGizmoTranslateAxisBasic gizmo component used to perform constrained translation on one axis
 CalbaGizmoTranslatePlaneBasic gizmo component used to perform constrained translation on a plane
 CalbaGUIAlbaGUI is a panel with function to easily create GUI
 CalbaGUIAboutDialogClass name: albaGUIAboutDialog
 CalbaGUIApplicationSettingsClass Name: albaGUIApplicationSettings
 CalbaGUIButtonAlbaGUIButton inherit from wxButton
 CalbaGUICheckListBoxCheckList that send albaEventNotification in the form albaEvent(this, widget_id, item_id, checked)
 CalbaGUICheckTreeClass Name : albaGUICheckTree
 CalbaGUIColorSwatchAlbaGUIColorSwatch : small widget representing an RGBA color
 CalbaGUIColorWidgetAlbaGUIColorWidget : helper class for albaGUILutEditor and albaGUIColorEditor
 CalbaGUIComboBoxListBox that send albaEventNotification in the form albaEvent(this, widget_id, item_id, checked)
 CalbaGUIContextualMenuClass name: albaGUIContextualMenu Class that handle menu' opened with right button click of the mouse over the view
 CalbaGUICrossIncrementalClass that represent a widget with 4 buttons and a text array disposed like a cross It can use two accumulator variable that are updated
 CalbaGUICrossSplitterUse Put(w,id) to place widgets on the various pane - id should be in 0..3
 CalbaGUIDialogAlbaGUIDialog is the base class for albaDialogs
 CalbaGUIDialogFindVmeAlbaGUIDialogFindVme - a dialog widget with a find VME GUI
 CalbaGUIDialogLoginAlbaGUIDialogLogin - a dialog widget with a find VME GUI
 CalbaGUIDialogPreviewAlbaGUIDialogPreview - a dialog widget with a render window
 CalbaGUIDialogTransferFunction2DThis dialog is used to define a 2D transfer function to make a volume Ray Cast
 CalbaGUIDicomSettingsClass Name : albaGUIDicomSettings
 CalbaGUIDictionaryWidgetClass name : albaGUIDictionaryWidget Widget that handle a dictionary object
 CalbaGUIDockManagerClass name: albaGUIDockManager Represent a frame manager for gui dock elements
 CalbaGUIDynamicVPAlbaGUIDynamicVP is a wxPanel with a set of widget to handle dynamic construction/destruction of visual pipe according to the user choice
 CalbaGUIFileHistoryClass name: albaGUIFileHistory class that handle a list of file called history
 CalbaGUIFlagSplitterUse Put(w,id) to place widgets on the various pane - id should be in 0..2
 CalbaGUIFloatSliderSlider that can be used to set double values, albaGUIFloatSlider send usual wxWindows Events; Use albaGUIFloatSlider in combination with a albaGUIValidator to receive notification as albaEvents
 CalbaGUIFrameClass Name: albaGUIFrame
 CalbaGUIGizmoInterfaceAbstract base class for gizmo gui
 CalbaGUIGizmoRotateGui class for rotation gizmo
 CalbaGUIGizmoScaleGUI class for scaling gizmo
 CalbaGUIGizmoTranslateGui class for translation gizmo
 CalbaGUIHistogramWidgetAlbaGUIHistogramWidget : widget that encapsulate render window into a gui
 CalbaGUIHolderClass name: albaGUIHolder Secialized panel in which a developer can put a albaGUI
 CalbaGUIImageViewerClass name: albaGUIImageViewer
 CalbaGUILabAlbaGUILab is a Label that notify user-click using the normal wxEvents
 CalbaGUILandmarkPluggable component for albaOpIterativeRegistration operation
 CalbaGUIListBoxListBox that send albaEventNotification in the form albaEvent(this, widget_id, item_id, checked)
 CalbaGUIListCtrlAlbaGUIListCtrl allows a simplified use of a wxWindows ListCtrl widget
 CalbaGUIListCtrlBitmapAlbaGUIListCtrlBitmap allows a simplified use of a wxWindows ListCtrl widget
 CalbaGUILutEditorAlbaGUILutEditor : vtkLookupTable Editor
 CalbaGUILutSliderAlbaGUILutSlider is a Label that notify user-click using the normal wxEvents
 CalbaGUILutSwatchAlbaGUILutSwatch : widget representing a LUT, usually used to call the LutEditor
 CalbaGUILutWidgetAlbaGUILutWidget : Helper class for albaLutEditor
 CalbaGUIMaterialButtonThis component allow to manage surface materials
 CalbaGUIMaterialChooserAlbaMaterialChooser let the user Choose one of the predefined materials, but also edit material settings, or create a new one
 CalbaGUIMDIChildClass Name: albaGUIMDIChild
 CalbaGUIMDIFrameClass Name: albaGUIMDIFrame
 CalbaGUIMovieCtrlAlbaGUIMovieCtrl is a wxPanel with a set of widget to handle time
 CalbaGUIMutexPanelClass Name: albaGUIMutexPanel
 CalbaGUINamedPanelClass Name: albaGUINamedPanel
 CalbaGUIPanelClass name: albaGUIPanel Inherits directly from wxPanel and adds the pointer to the next panel
 CalbaGUIPanelStackClass name: albaGUIPanelStack Panel with the same behaviour of a stack container (push and pop methods)
 CalbaGUIPicButtonAlbaGUIPicButton inherit from wxBitmapButton
 CalbaGUIRangeSliderClass name: albaGUIRangeSlider Class that handles a slider for visualising or changing range
 CalbaGUIRollOutThis class plugs and manage a roll-out gui
 CalbaGUISashPanelAlbaGUISashPanel is a wxSashLayoutWindow, that is a user-resizable panel docked on one side of the frame window
 CalbaGUISaveRestorePoseInput VME ABS Matrix Store/Restore GUI Component
 CalbaGUIScrolledPanelAlbaGUIScrolledPanel is a Panel on which is possible to add child-widget
 CalbaGUISettingsClass name: albaGUISettings base class for more complex specified classes regarding the setting of application
 CalbaGUISettingsAdvancedClass Name: albaGUISettingsAdvanced
 CalbaGUISettingsDialogClass name: albaGUISettingsDialog
 CalbaGUISettingsTimeBarClass name: albaGUISettingsTimeBar Gui class for handling time bar properties inside application settings panel
 CalbaGUISplittedPanelAlbaGUISplittedPanel is a wxPanel with a user-draggable splitter that divide it in two sections vertically
 CalbaGUITimeBarAlbaGUITimeBar is a wxPanel with a set of widget to handle time
 CalbaGUITransformInterfaceTransform gui interface
 CalbaGUITransformMouseTransform gui
 CalbaGUITransformMouseFloatVMEClass name: albaGUITransformMouseFloatVME This class derived from albaGUITransformMouse customize its OnEvent method: in some cases, depending on current view and its camera position, rotational transformation axis are VME axis
 CalbaGUITransformSlidersClass name: albaGUITransformSliders
 CalbaGUITransformTextEntriesText entries gui component for transform operations
 CalbaGUITreeAlbaGUITree allows a simplified and lot easier use of a wxWindows tree widget
 CalbaGUITreeContextualMenuUsed to create and manage contextual menu' for tree widget used in side bar
 CalbaGUIViewWinClass name: albaGUIViewWin This class is used only to trap the OnSize event
 CalbaGUIVMEChooserDisplay a modal dialog filled with a vme tree and return the choosed vme
 CalbaGUIVMEChooserTreeWidget representing the tree that allow the user to choose a VME
 CalbaGUIWizardClass Name: albaGUIWizard
 CalbaGUIWizardPageClass Name: albaGUIWizardPage
 CalbaGUIWizardPageNewClass Name: albaGUIWizardPageNew
 CalbaHelpManagerClass Name: albaHelpManager
 CalbaHTMLTemplateParserClass name: albaHTMLTemplateParser class for Template parsing of a text file/string (typically an html) with management of Variables/Loop/If-Else condition Tags Are: [ALBAVariable varName] [ALBALoop loopName] [/ALBALoop loopName] [ALBAIf ifName] [ALBAElse ifName] [/ALBAIf ifName] (else is optional)*
 CalbaHTMLTemplateParserBlockClass name: albaHTMLTemplateParserBlock sub-class for Template parsing used by albaHTMLTemplateParser
 CalbaIndentAlbaIndent - a simple class to control print indentation
 CalbaInteractionFactoryObject factory for Devices and Avatars
 CalbaInteractionManagerThis class takes care of mastering the interaction inside views
 CalbaInteractorAbstract class for ALBA interactors This class provides base interface and features of ALBA continuous event interactors
 CalbaInteractor2DAngleClass implementing an interactor for creating 2D measure tool
 CalbaInteractor2DDistanceClass implementing an interactor for creating 2D measure tool
 CalbaInteractor2DIndicatorClass implementing an interactor for creating 2D measure tool
 CalbaInteractor6DOFBase class for 3D interaction modalities with 6DOF
 CalbaInteractor6DOFCameraMoveImplements 6DOF move of camera in the scene
 CalbaInteractorCameraMoveImplements mouse move of camera in the scene
 CalbaInteractorCameraPickerClass albaInteractorCameraPicker:
 CalbaInteractorCompositorMouseAssociates instances of albaInteractorGenericMouse to mouse buttons and ctrl/shift keys combinations
 CalbaInteractorCompositorMouseFloatVMEClass name: albaInteractorCompositorMouseFloatVME This class derived from albaInteractorCompositorMouse customize its OnEvent method: in some cases, depending on current view and its camera position, rotational transformation axis are VME axis
 CalbaInteractorConstraintClass representing a constraint for the interaction This class is used to store constraint modality parameters and owns a reference system used for constrained interaction
 CalbaInteractorDICOMImporterImplements mouse move of the camera in the scene and notify the listener with world coordinates on left mouse pick , left mouse move and left mouse up
 CalbaInteractorExtractIsosurfaceImplements mouse move of camera in the scene
 CalbaInteractorGeneric6DOFImplements 6DOF move of objects in the scene
 CalbaInteractorGenericInterfaceAbstract class for general purpose interactor
 CalbaInteractorGenericMouseConstrained interaction with mouse device
 CalbaInteractorPERClass implementing routing of events based on picking
 CalbaInteractorPERBrushFeedbackSegmentation Editing Interactor
 CalbaInteractorPERScalarInformationClass implementing image info reporting on status bar when not interacting
 CalbaInteractorPickerInteractor implementing a picking operation
 CalbaInteractorSelectCellImplements mouse move of camera in the scene or perform continuous cell picking when using CTRL modifier
 CalbaInteractorSERClass implementing static routing from devices to interactors passing through actions
 CalbaItkRawMotionImporterUtilityClass Name: itkRawMotionImporterUtility
 CalbaLogicWithManagersAlbaLogicWithManagers provide:
 CalbaLUTLibraryA component to handle lookup table libraries
 CalbaMatrixAlbaMatrix - Time stamped 4x4 Matrix
 CalbaMatrix3x3AlbaMatrix3x3 - Simple 3x3 Matrix
 CalbaMatrixPipeBridge class between albaTransform pipeline and VME to compute VME output matrix
 CalbaMTimeAlbaMTime - record modification timestamp
 CalbaMultiThreaderAlbaMultiThreader - A class for performing multithreaded execution
 CalbaMutexLockCritical section locking class that can be allocated on the stack
 CalbaOBBThis class simply stores a Box boundary (i.e
 CalbaObjectAbstract superclass for all ALBA classes implementing RTTI APIs
 CalbaObjectFactoryCreate instances of classes using an object factory
 CalbaObserverInterface implementing the Observer of the Subject/Observer design pattern
 CalbaObserverCallbackConcrete implementation of Observer calling a callback function
 CalbaOldSubIdLinkData structure used to store a link VME and its Id
 CalbaOpContextStackAlbaOpContextStack represents the stack used for implementing Undo and Redo mechanism
 CalbaOpCopyClass name: albaOpCopy Operation which perform copy of a node
 CalbaOpCutClass name: albaOpCut Operation which perform cut on a node input
 CalbaOpEditClass name: albaOpEdit Interface operation for cut, copy, and paste operation
 CalbaOpPasteClass name: albaOpPaste Operation which perform paste of a node previously copied or cut
 CalbaOpRenameClass name: albaOpPaste Operation which perform paste of a node previously copied or cut
 CalbaOpSelectClass name: albaOpSelect Operation for the selection of a vme
 CalbaPictureFactoryThis class is normally instantiated as the "albaPics" singleton
 CalbaPipeFactoryObject factory for Pipes
 CalbaPlugAvatarPlug a node in the main ALBA Avatar factory
 CalbaPlugDevicePlug a node in the main ALBA Device factory
 CalbaPlugObjectPlug generic object into the ALBA Core factory
 CalbaPlugPipePlug a pipe in the main ALBA Pipe factory
 CalbaPolylineGraphAlbaPolylineGraph class
 CalbaProDBCompGroupClass Name: albaProsthesisDBManager
 CalbaProDBProducerClass Name: ProProducer
 CalbaProDBTypeClass Name: ProType
 CalbaProgressBarHelperAlbaProgressBarHelper Is an helper for manage progress bar advance
 CalbaProsthesesDBManagerClass Name: albaProsthesesDBManager
 CalbaQuaternionA quaternion
 CalbaQueryObjectClass name: albaQueryObject class dor handling a query data type (stored as std::string), which can be converted to int, long, float double or const char *
 CalbaReferenceCountedAlbaReferenceCounted - abstract base class for ALBA objects with reference counting
 CalbaRefSysClass representing reference system
 CalbaRelationalDatabaseAbstractConnectorClass name : albaRelationalDatabaseAbstractConnector class that handle all the process of connection, retrieving data executing query ad by albaResultQueryAbstractHandler load them
 CalbaRelationalDatabaseInformationStruct name :albaRelationalDatabaseInformation struct that contains database information useful for connection
 CalbaResultQueryAbstractHandlerClass name: albaResultQueryAbstractHandler Interface for handle results from a query to a database
 CalbaRWIBaseAlbaRWIBase is a vtkRenderWindowInteractor placed on a wxWindow
 CalbaSceneNodeAlbaSceneNode is a node of albaScenegraph
 CalbaSmartPointerAutoPointer which self allocates the internal object
 CalbaSnapshotManagerClass Name: albaSnapshotManager
 CalbaStorableAlbaStorable is an interface for serializable objects
 CalbaStorableDictionaryClass name: albaStorableDictionary Utility object that supply the InternalStore and InternalRestore method for serialization
 CalbaStorageAbstract class for an abject mastering the storing/restoring of objects This is an abstract class providing defining APIs for objects mastering storing/restoring of storing and restoring of albaStorable objects
 CalbaStorageElementAbstract class representing the interface for the unit of information stored in the storage
 CalbaStringAlbaString - performs common string operations on c-strings
 CalbaTagArrayAn attribute used to store an associtive array of <key,value> pairs, where value is multi component
 CalbaTagItemUtility class for storing <key-type-array of values> information
 CalbaTextKitAlbaTextKit is tool to visualize text into a given albaRWI
 CalbaTimeMapDynamic associative sorted array of timestamped objects indexed by their "timestamp"
 CalbaTimeMapScalarDynamic associative sorted array of scalars indexed by their "timestamp"
 CalbaTimeStampedClass acting as an interface for timestamped objects This object simply defines few methods for managing a modification time to be used in for process objects
 CalbaTransformAlbaTransform - class for homogeneous transformations
 CalbaTransformBaseSuperclass for Homogeneous transformations
 CalbaTransformFrameAlbaTransformFrame - class for multi frame homogeneous transformations
 CalbaUserAlbaUser - Used to manage username and password; store them and give basic function to check user's credentials
 CalbaUtilityAlbaUtility - the pourpose of this class is just to groups utilities classes
 CalbaVect3dClass Name: albaVect3d
 CalbaVectorAlbaVector - vector container wrapping STL vectors
 CalbaVersionAlbaVersion - Versioning class for ALBA
 CalbaViewAlbaView is the base class for Views in alba
 CalbaViewCompoundAlbaViewCompound is the base class for Compound Views in ALBA
 CalbaViewManagerAn implementation of albaViewManager with [D]ynamic view [C]reation feature
 CalbaViewPlotAlbaViewPlot is a View that got a albaXYPlot and plot curves on a plane
 CalbaViewVTKAlbaViewVTK is a View that got a RenderWindow and a SceneGraph
 CalbaVisualPipeInfoStruct containing information regarding visual pipe plugged into the view
 CalbaVMEAlbaVME -
 CalbaVMEBackLinkData structure used to store a link VME and its Id
 CalbaVMEIteratorAlbaVMEIterator - an m-way tree data structure iterator albaVMEIterator is a class to traverse a tree data structure
 CalbaVMELinkData structure used to store a link VME and its Id
 CalbaVMEManagerAlbaVMEManager : Class managing VMEs inside a ALBA application
 CalbaVMEOutputAlbaVMEOutput - the output data structure of a VME node
 CalbaVMEOutputNULLNULL output for VME node without output data (only pose)
 CalbaVMERootAlbaVMERoot - a VME is the root of a tree of VME nodes
 CalbaVMEStorageA storage class for MSF local files
 CalbaWizardClass Name: albaWizard
 CalbaWizardBlockClass Name: albaWizardBlock
 CalbaWizardBlockFileExistCheckClass Name: albaWizardTypeFileExistCheck
 CalbaWizardBlockInformationClass Name: albaWizardSelectionBlock
 CalbaWizardBlockOperationClass Name: albaWizardOperaiontionBlock
 CalbaWizardBlockSelectionClass Name: albaWizardSelectionBlock
 CalbaWizardBlockTypeCheckClass Name: albaWizardTypeCheckBlock
 CalbaWizardBlockVMEFindOrSelectionClass Name: albaWizardBlockVMEFindOrSelection
 CalbaWizardBlockVMESelectionClass Name: albaWizardSelectionBlock
 CalbaWizardBlockYesNoSelectionClass Name: albaWizardSelectionBlock
 CalbaWizardManagerClass Name: albaWizardManager
 CalbaWizardSettingsClass name :albaWizardSettings class that manage wizard specific settings
 CalbaWizardWaitOpClass name: albaOpWizardWait Simple op with only an next-step button create to insert pause during wizards
 CalbaXMLElementConcrete implementation of albaStorageElement as an XML-DOM element This class represent a concrete implementation of a albaStorageElement in terms of a DOM-XML element
 CalbaXMLStorageConcrete implementation of Storage object using Xerces-C for storing in XML
 CalbaXMLStringString type for converting const char * to and from XMLString types This is an internal string type to be used only in conjunction with XercecC XML library
 CmmiInfoImageClass implementing image info reporting on status bar when not interacting
 CmmiSelectPointPerform continuous cell picking with or without the CTRL modifier or move the camera in the scene (when not picking)
 CmmiVTKPickerClass name: mmiVTKPicker Implements mouse move of camera in the scene or perform continuous cell picking when using CTRL modifier
 CmmuDOMTreeErrorReporterClass name: mmuDOMTreeErrorReporter Utility class to catch XML error rised while parsing XML
 CmmuIdFactoryFactory for Ids used to generate unique Ids at runtime
 CmmuMSFDocumentUtility class representing the MSF document
 CmmuTimeSetClass wrapping an STL "set" of albaTimeStamps providing API to query and merge
 CmmuXMLDOMMmuXMLDOM utility class for PIMPL of XML DOM types
 CmmuXMLDOMElementMmuXMLDOMElement utility class for PIMPL of XML DOMElement types
 CvtkALBAAssemblyCreate hierarchies of vtkProp3Ds (transformable props) vtkALBAAssembly same as vtkAssembly, but has an extra link for client data
 CvtkALBAAutoPointerHold a reference to a vtkObjectBase instance
 CvtkALBAToLinearTransformVtkALBAToLinearTransform - convert a ALBA transform or matrix into a VTK transform
 CwxDefaultDockArtClass name: wxDefaultDockArt this is the default art provider for wxFrameManager
 CwxDockArtClass name: wxDockArt dock art provider code - a dock provider provides all drawing functionality to the wxAui dock manager
 CwxDockInfoClass name: wxDockInfo This class define properties of a dock
 CwxDockUIPartClass name: wxDockUIPart This class define a UI part of a dock
 CwxFrameManagerClass name: wxFrameManager Manager for dockabale panels; it can manage flags, attach/detach panes
 CwxFrameManagerEventClass name: wxFrameManagerEvent Event handled by frame manager
 CwxPaneButtonClass name: wxPaneButton This class define a button of a pane
 CwxPaneInfoClass name: wxPaneInfo This class define properties of a pane