Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Friends | List of all members
albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template Class Reference

#include <albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h>

Inheritance diagram for albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 albaTypeMacro (albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template, albaInteractor2DMeasure)
void AddMeasure (double *pointUL, double *pointUR, double *pointDR, double *pointDL)
virtual void EditPoints (int index, double *pointUL, double *pointUR, double *pointDR, double *pointDL)
virtual void EditTextureCoord (int index, double *pointUL, double *pointUR, double *pointDR, double *pointDL)
virtual void EditMeasure (int index, double *point)
virtual void RemoveMeasure (int index)
virtual void SelectMeasure (int index)
virtual void SetPointSize (double size)
void SetTexture (vtkImageData *imageData)
void SetTextureOpacity (double opacity)
void SetTextureColor (double r, double g, double b)
void GetMeasurePoints (int index, double *pointUL, double *pointUR, double *pointDR, double *pointDL)
void GetCenter (int index, double *center)
virtual void Show (bool show)
void ShowPoints (bool show)
void ShowTexture (bool show)
void Rotate (double angle, double *origin=NULL)
void CropImage (albaVMEImage *vmeImage)
void CropImage (albaVMEImage *vmeImage, double *bounds)
bool Load (albaVME *input, wxString tag)
bool Save (albaVME *input, wxString tag)
vtkTexture * GetTexture (int index)
void SetTexture (int index, vtkTexture *texture)
vtkLookupTable * GetLut ()
void SetConfigDir (wxString dir)
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaInteractor2DMeasure
 albaTypeMacro (albaInteractor2DMeasure, albaInteractorPER)
virtual void OnEvent (albaEventBase *event)
virtual void AddMeasure (double *point1, double *point2=NULL)
virtual void RemoveMeasure (int index)
virtual void RemoveAllMeasures ()
virtual void SelectMeasure (int index)
virtual void ActivateMeasure (int index=-1, bool activate=true)
void Enable (bool enable=true)
void EnableAddMeasure (bool move=true)
void EnableEditMeasure (bool edit=true)
void EnableMoveMeasure (bool move=true)
virtual void Update (int index=-1)
virtual bool Load (albaVME *input, wxString tag)
virtual bool Save (albaVME *input, wxString tag)
double GetMeasureValue (int index)
albaString GetMeasureText (int index)
albaString GetMeasureLabel (int index)
albaString GetMeasureType ()
int GetMaxMeasures ()
int GetMeasureCount ()
int GetLastEditedMeasureIndex ()
int GetSelectedMeasure ()
bool IsEnabled ()
double GetPointSize ()
double GetLineWidth ()
void SetMaxMeasures (int maxMeasures)
void SetMeasureLabel (int index, albaString text)
void SetColorDefault (double r, double g, double b, double a=1.0)
void SetColorSelection (double r, double g, double b, double a=1.0)
void SetColorEdit (double r, double g, double b, double a=1.0)
void SetColorDisable (double r, double g, double b, double a=1.0)
void SetColorText (double r, double g, double b, double a=1.0)
virtual void SetPointSize (double size)
virtual void SetLineWidth (double width)
virtual void Show (bool show)
void ShowText (bool show)
void ShowText (int measure, bool show)
void SetRendererByView (albaView *view)
void Render ()
albaRWIBaseGetCurrentRwi ()
albaRWIBaseGetCurrentRwi (int m)
int GetCurrPlane ()
void SetCurrPlane (int plane)
virtual void ReDrawAll ()
void SetUpdateDistance (double dist)
void SetAction (MEASURE_ACTIONS action)
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaInteractorPER
 albaTypeMacro (albaInteractorPER, albaInteractor)
virtual void EnableSelect (bool enable)
virtual void FlyToMode ()
bool IsInteracting (albaDevice *device, int button=-1)
virtual int StartInteraction (albaDevice *device, int button)
virtual int StopInteraction (albaDevice *device, int button)
virtual void OnEvent (albaEventBase *event)
void OnVmeSelected (albaVME *vme)
void SetMode (int mode)
int GetMode ()
void SetModeToSingleButton ()
void SetModeToMultiButton ()
albaInteractorGetCameraMouseInteractor ()
albaInteractorGetCameraInteractor ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaInteractor
 albaInteractor ()
virtual ~albaInteractor ()
 albaAbstractTypeMacro (albaInteractor, albaAgent)
virtual void SetRendererAndView (vtkRenderer *ren, albaView *view)
vtkRenderer * GetRenderer ()
albaViewGetView ()
albaDeviceGetDevice ()
virtual void SetDevice (albaDevice *)
virtual void SetVME (albaVME *vme)
void SetProp (vtkProp3D *prop)
void SetIgnoreTriggerEvents (bool flag)
int GetIgnoreTriggerEvents (bool flag)
void IgnoreTriggerEventsOn ()
void IgnoreTriggerEventsOff ()
void SetStartInteractionEvent (albaID event)
albaID GetStartInteractionEvent ()
void SetStopInteractionEvent (albaID event)
albaID GetStopInteractionEvent ()
void SetStartButton (int btn)
int GetStartButton ()
void SetModifiers (int mod)
int GetModifiers ()
int GetCurrentButton ()
unsigned long GetCurrentModifier ()
virtual int StartInteraction (albaDevice *device)
virtual int StopInteraction (albaDevice *device)
virtual bool IsInteracting ()
virtual bool IsInteracting (albaDevice *device)
void SetButtonMode (int mode)
int GetButtonMode ()
void SetButtonModeToSingleButton ()
void SetButtonModeToMultiButton ()
virtual void OnEvent (albaEventBase *event)
void TestModeOn ()
void TestModeOff ()
bool GetTestMode ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaAgent
 albaAbstractTypeMacro (albaAgent, albaReferenceCounted)
void AddObserver (albaObserver *listener, albaID channel=MCH_UP)
void RemoveObserver (albaObserver *listener)
void RemoveAllObservers ()
virtual void OnEvent (albaEventBase *event)
bool HasObservers (albaID channel)
void GetObservers (albaID channel, std::vector< albaObserver * > &olist)
int Initialize ()
void Shutdown ()
int IsInitialized ()
virtual void SetName (const char *name)
const char * GetName ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaReferenceCounted
 albaReferenceCounted ()
virtual ~albaReferenceCounted ()
 albaAbstractTypeMacro (albaReferenceCounted, albaObject)
virtual void Delete ()
void Register (void *obj)
virtual void UnRegister (void *obj)
int GetReferenceCount ()
void SetReferenceCount (int)
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaObject
 albaObject ()
virtual ~albaObject ()
virtual void Delete ()
virtual const char * GetTypeName () const
virtual bool IsA (const char *type_name) const
virtual bool IsA (const albaTypeID &type_id) const
virtual albaObjectNewObjectInstance () const =0
virtual const albaTypeIDGetTypeId () const
virtual void Print (std::ostream &os, const int indent=0) const
 albaObject (const albaObject &c)
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaObserver
 albaObserver ()
virtual ~albaObserver ()
virtual void OnEvent (albaEventBase *e)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaEventBroadcaster
 albaEventBroadcaster (void *owner=NULL)
virtual ~albaEventBroadcaster ()
 albaEventBroadcaster (const albaEventBroadcaster &c)
void AddObserver (albaObserver *obj)
void AddObserver (albaObserver &obj)
albaObserverCallbackAddObserverCallback (void(*f)(void *sender, albaID eid, void *clientdata, void *calldata))
bool RemoveObserver (albaObserver *obj)
void RemoveAllObservers ()
bool IsObserver (albaObserver *obj)
bool HasObservers ()
void GetObservers (std::vector< albaObserver * > &olist)
void InvokeEvent (albaEventBase &e)
void InvokeEvent (albaEventBase *e)
void InvokeEvent (void *sender, albaID id=ID_NO_EVENT, void *data=NULL)
void SetChannel (albaID ch)
albaID GetChannel ()
virtual void SetListener (albaObserver *o)
- Public Member Functions inherited from albaEventSender
 albaEventSender ()
virtual void SetListener (albaObserver *o)
virtual albaObserverGetListener ()
virtual bool HasListener ()
virtual void InvokeEvent (albaEventBase &e)
virtual void InvokeEvent (albaEventBase *e)
virtual void InvokeEvent (void *sender, albaID id=ID_NO_EVENT, void *data=NULL)

Protected Member Functions

 albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template ()
virtual ~albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template ()
void MoveMeasure (int index, double *point)
void DrawNewMeasure (double *wp)
void UpdatePointsActor (double *pointUL, double *pointUR, double *pointDR, double *pointDL)
void UpdateTexureActor (double *pointUL, double *pointUR, double *pointDR, double *pointDL)
virtual void FindAndHighlight (double *point)
wxString GetConfigDirectory ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from albaInteractor2DMeasure
 albaInteractor2DMeasure ()
virtual ~albaInteractor2DMeasure ()
void InitRenderer (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnLeftButtonDown (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnLeftButtonUp (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnRightButtonUp (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnMove (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void DrawNewMeasure (double *wp)
virtual void MoveMeasure (int index, double *pointCoord)
virtual void EditMeasure (int index, double *point)
virtual void FindAndHighlight (double *pointCoord)
virtual void UpdateEditActors (double *point1, double *point2=NULL)
virtual void UpdatePointActor (double *point)
virtual void UpdateTextActor (int index, double *point)
virtual void ShowEditLineActors ()
virtual void HideEditActors ()
void SetColor (vtkActor2D *actor, Color *color)
void iSetColor (int color, double r, double g, double b, double a)
bool IsInBound (double *pos)
void ScreenToWorld (double screen[2], double world[3])
double PixelSizeInWorld ()
void WorldToScreen (double world[3], double screen[2])
vtkPointSource * GetNewPointSource ()
double DistanceBetweenPoints (double *point1, double *point2)
double DistancePointToLine (double *point, double *lineP1, double *lineP2)
void GetMidPoint (double(&midPoint)[3], double *point1, double *point2)
bool FindPointOnLine (double(&point)[3], double *linePoint1, double *linePoint2, double distance)
double GetAngle (double *point1, double *point2, double *origin)
void RotatePoint (double *point, double *origin, double angle)
int PointUpDownLine (double *point, double *lp1, double *lp2)
void GetParallelLine (double(&point1)[3], double(&point2)[3], double *linePoint1, double *linePoint2, double distance)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from albaInteractorPER
 albaInteractorPER ()
virtual ~albaInteractorPER ()
virtual int OnStartInteraction (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual int OnStopInteraction (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnButtonDown (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnButtonUp (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnLeftButtonDown (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnLeftButtonUp (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnMiddleButtonDown (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnMiddleButtonUp (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnRightButtonDown (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnRightButtonUp (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnMove (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnChar (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void FlyTo (albaEventInteraction *e, int numstep=20, double zoom=1)
void InsertDevice (albaDevice *device, int button)
void RemoveDevice (albaDevice *device)
void SetCurrentBehavior (albaDevice *device, albaInteractor *inter)
albaInteractorGetCurrentBehavior (albaDevice *device)
void SetPickedVME (albaDevice *device, albaVME *vme)
albaVMEGetPickedVME (albaDevice *device)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from albaInteractor
virtual int OnStartInteraction (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual int OnStopInteraction (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnButtonDown (albaEventInteraction *e)
virtual void OnButtonUp (albaEventInteraction *e)
void ComputeDisplayToWorld (double x, double y, double z, double worldPt[4])
void ComputeWorldToDisplay (double x, double y, double z, double displayPt[3])
- Protected Member Functions inherited from albaAgent
 albaAgent ()
virtual ~albaAgent ()
virtual int InternalInitialize ()
virtual void InternalShutdown ()
void InvokeEvent (albaEventBase &event, albaID channel=-1)
void InvokeEvent (albaEventBase *event, albaID channel=-1)
void InvokeEvent (void *sender, int id, albaID channel=MCH_UP, void *data=NULL)

Protected Attributes

std::vector< albaActor2dStackHelper * > m_PointsStackVectorUL
std::vector< albaActor2dStackHelper * > m_PointsStackVectorUR
std::vector< albaActor2dStackHelper * > m_PointsStackVectorDR
std::vector< albaActor2dStackHelper * > m_PointsStackVectorDL
std::vector< albaActor2dStackHelper * > m_PointsStackVectorC
std::vector< vtkPolyData * > m_QuadVector
std::vector< vtkActor * > m_TexturedQuadVector
vtkLookupTable * m_TemplateLookupTable
double m_Angle
wxString m_ConfigDir
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaInteractor2DMeasure
std::vector< Measure2Dm_Measure2DVector
int m_MaxMeasures
vtkRenderer * m_Renderer
vtkRenderer * m_CurrentRenderer
std::vector< vtkRenderer * > m_AllRenderersVector
vtkCoordinate * m_Coordinate
std::vector< vtkALBATextActorMeter * > m_TextActorVector
albaString m_MeasureTypeText
int m_AltPressed
int m_ShiftPressed
Color m_Colors [5]
int m_CurrPoint
double m_OldLineP1 [3]
double m_OldLineP2 [3]
double * m_Bounds
bool m_IsInBound
bool m_ButtonDownInside
double m_StartMousePosition [3]
bool m_EndMeasure
bool m_ParallelView
double m_ViewPlaneNormal [3]
int m_CurrPlane
double m_ParallelScale_OnStart
int m_CurrMeasure
long m_AddMeasurePhase_Counter
bool m_ActorAdded
double m_MeasureValue
int m_LastEditing
bool m_IsEnabled
bool m_MovingMeasure
bool m_AddMeasureEnable
bool m_EditMeasureEnable
bool m_MoveMeasureEnable
bool m_ShowText
bool m_ShowPoint
double m_PointSize
double m_LineWidth
int m_TextSide
double m_PointUpdateDist
double m_PointUpdateDist2
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaInteractorPER
bool m_FlyToFlag
bool m_DraggingLeft
bool m_CanSelect
bool m_ShowContextMenu
int m_Mode
int m_FirstTime
std::map< albaID, DeviceItemm_Devices
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaInteractor
bool m_DeviceIsSet
albaID m_StartInteractionEvent
albaID m_StopInteractionEvent
int m_IgnoreTriggerEvents
int m_InteractionFlag
int m_StartButton
unsigned long m_Modifiers
int m_CurrentButton
unsigned long m_CurrentModifier
int m_ButtonMode
int m_ButtonsCounter
vtkALBASmartPointer< vtkRenderer > m_Renderer
vtkALBASmartPointer< vtkProp3D > m_Prop
bool m_TestMode
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaAgent
albaString m_Name
bool m_Initialized
std::vector< albaEventBroadcaster * > m_Channels
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaReferenceCounted
int m_ReferenceCount
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaObject
bool m_HeapFlag
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaEventBroadcaster
albaObserversList m_Observers
albaID m_Channel
- Protected Attributes inherited from albaEventSender


class appInteractor2DMeasure_TemplateTest

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from albaInteractor2DMeasure
enum  LINE_POINT {
  NO_POINT = 0 , POINT_1 , POINT_2 , POINT_3 ,
- Public Types inherited from albaInteractorPER
enum  modalities { SINGLE_BUTTON =0 , MULTI_BUTTON }
- Public Types inherited from albaInteractor
enum  modalities { SINGLE_BUTTON_MODE =0 , MULTI_BUTTON_MODE }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from albaObject
static const char * GetStaticTypeName ()
static bool IsStaticType (const char *type_name)
static bool IsStaticType (const albaTypeID &type_id)
static const albaTypeIDGetStaticTypeId ()
static albaObjectSafeDownCast (albaObject *o)
- Protected Types inherited from albaInteractor2DMeasure
enum  AXIS { X , Y , Z }
enum  Colors {
- Protected Types inherited from albaEventBroadcaster
typedef std::list< albaObserver * > albaObserversList

Detailed Description

Definition at line 41 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template()

albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template ( )

◆ ~albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template()

virtual albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::~albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ albaTypeMacro()

albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::albaTypeMacro ( albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template  ,

◆ AddMeasure()

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::AddMeasure ( double *  pointUL,
double *  pointUR,
double *  pointDR,
double *  pointDL 

Add Measure.

◆ EditPoints()

virtual void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::EditPoints ( int  index,
double *  pointUL,
double *  pointUR,
double *  pointDR,
double *  pointDL 

Edit Points.

◆ EditTextureCoord()

virtual void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::EditTextureCoord ( int  index,
double *  pointUL,
double *  pointUR,
double *  pointDR,
double *  pointDL 

◆ EditMeasure()

virtual void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::EditMeasure ( int  index,
double *  point 

Edit Measure.

Reimplemented from albaInteractor2DMeasure.

◆ RemoveMeasure()

virtual void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::RemoveMeasure ( int  index)

Delete the Measure.

Reimplemented from albaInteractor2DMeasure.

◆ SelectMeasure()

virtual void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::SelectMeasure ( int  index)

Select a Measure.

Reimplemented from albaInteractor2DMeasure.

◆ SetPointSize()

virtual void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::SetPointSize ( double  size)

Reimplemented from albaInteractor2DMeasure.

◆ SetTexture() [1/2]

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::SetTexture ( vtkImageData *  imageData)

◆ SetTextureOpacity()

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::SetTextureOpacity ( double  opacity)

◆ SetTextureColor()

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::SetTextureColor ( double  r,
double  g,
double  b 

◆ GetMeasurePoints()

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::GetMeasurePoints ( int  index,
double *  pointUL,
double *  pointUR,
double *  pointDR,
double *  pointDL 

Get measure points.

◆ GetCenter()

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::GetCenter ( int  index,
double *  center 

◆ Show()

virtual void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::Show ( bool  show)

Reimplemented from albaInteractor2DMeasure.

◆ ShowPoints()

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::ShowPoints ( bool  show)

◆ ShowTexture()

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::ShowTexture ( bool  show)

◆ Rotate()

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::Rotate ( double  angle,
double *  origin = NULL 

◆ CropImage() [1/2]

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::CropImage ( albaVMEImage *  vmeImage)

◆ CropImage() [2/2]

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::CropImage ( albaVMEImage *  vmeImage,
double *  bounds 

◆ Load()

bool albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::Load ( albaVME input,
wxString  tag 


Reimplemented from albaInteractor2DMeasure.

◆ Save()

bool albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::Save ( albaVME input,
wxString  tag 

Reimplemented from albaInteractor2DMeasure.

◆ GetTexture()

vtkTexture * albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::GetTexture ( int  index)

Definition at line 83 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

◆ SetTexture() [2/2]

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::SetTexture ( int  index,
vtkTexture *  texture 

Definition at line 84 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

◆ GetLut()

vtkLookupTable * albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::GetLut ( )

Definition at line 86 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

◆ SetConfigDir()

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::SetConfigDir ( wxString  dir)

Definition at line 88 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

◆ MoveMeasure()

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::MoveMeasure ( int  index,
double *  pointCoord 

Move Measure.

Reimplemented from albaInteractor2DMeasure.

◆ DrawNewMeasure()

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::DrawNewMeasure ( double *  wp)

Draw New Measure.

Reimplemented from albaInteractor2DMeasure.

◆ UpdatePointsActor()

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::UpdatePointsActor ( double *  pointUL,
double *  pointUR,
double *  pointDR,
double *  pointDL 

◆ UpdateTexureActor()

void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::UpdateTexureActor ( double *  pointUL,
double *  pointUR,
double *  pointDR,
double *  pointDL 

◆ FindAndHighlight()

virtual void albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::FindAndHighlight ( double *  pointCoord)

Find Measure Point and Set Action.

Reimplemented from albaInteractor2DMeasure.

◆ GetConfigDirectory()

wxString albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::GetConfigDirectory ( )

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ appInteractor2DMeasure_TemplateTest

friend class appInteractor2DMeasure_TemplateTest

Definition at line 127 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_PointsStackVectorUL

std::vector<albaActor2dStackHelper *> albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::m_PointsStackVectorUL

Definition at line 109 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

◆ m_PointsStackVectorUR

std::vector<albaActor2dStackHelper *> albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::m_PointsStackVectorUR

Definition at line 110 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

◆ m_PointsStackVectorDR

std::vector<albaActor2dStackHelper *> albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::m_PointsStackVectorDR

Definition at line 111 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

◆ m_PointsStackVectorDL

std::vector<albaActor2dStackHelper *> albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::m_PointsStackVectorDL

Definition at line 112 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

◆ m_PointsStackVectorC

std::vector<albaActor2dStackHelper *> albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::m_PointsStackVectorC

Definition at line 113 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

◆ m_QuadVector

std::vector<vtkPolyData *> albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::m_QuadVector

Definition at line 116 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

◆ m_TexturedQuadVector

std::vector<vtkActor *> albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::m_TexturedQuadVector

Definition at line 117 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

◆ m_TemplateLookupTable

vtkLookupTable* albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::m_TemplateLookupTable

Definition at line 119 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

◆ m_Angle

double albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::m_Angle

Definition at line 121 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

◆ m_ConfigDir

wxString albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template::m_ConfigDir

Definition at line 122 of file albaInteractor2DMeasure_Template.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: