16#ifndef __albaGUIWizardPage_H__
17#define __albaGUIWizardPage_H__
104 friend class albaGUIWizardPageTest;
Implementation of the message object for the Subject/Observer design pattern.
Class Name: albaGUIWizardPage.
void AddGuiLowerCenter(albaGUI *gui)
Add in wizard gui, another gui in lower center position.
virtual ~albaGUIWizardPage()
albaRWI * m_Rwi
Render window.
albaGUI * m_GuiLowerCenter
Gui variable used to plug custom widgets localized in LOWER CENTER.
void AddGuiLowerLeft(albaGUI *gui)
Add in wizard gui, another gui in lower left position.
albaGUIWizardPage(albaGUIWizard *wizardParent, long style=albaWIZARDUSEGUI|albaWIZARDUSERWI, wxString label="", bool plugCentralGui=true, bool plugLeftGui=true, bool plugRightGui=true)
albaGUI * m_GuiLowerLeft
Gui variable used to plug custom widgets localized in LOWER LEFT.
wxBoxSizer * m_SizerAll
Vertical sizer used to include all other sizer.
void AddGuiLowerRight(albaGUI *gui)
Add in wizard gui, another gui in lower right position.
void RemoveGuiLowerLeft(albaGUI *gui)
Remove in wizard gui, another gui in lower left position.
void SetNextPage(albaGUIWizardPage *nextPage)
Create a chain between this page ad nextPage.
void RemoveGuiLowerCenter(albaGUI *gui)
Remove in wizard gui, another gui in lower center position.
void OnEvent(albaEventBase *alba_event)
Precess events coming from other objects.
albaRWI * GetRWI()
Retrieve the current Render Window.
albaGUI * m_GuiLowerRight
Gui variable used to plug custom widgets localized in LOWER RIGHT.
wxBoxSizer * m_GUISizer
Sizer used for the Lower GUI.
albaObserver * m_Listener
wxWizardPageSimple * m_FirstPage
void SetListener(albaObserver *Listener)
Set the Listener that will receive event-notification.
void RemoveGuiLowerRight(albaGUI *gui)
Remove in wizard gui, another gui in lower right position.
wxBoxSizer * m_RwiSizer
Sizer used for the vtk render window and if you want to plug any gui on bottom of the RWI.
Class Name: albaGUIWizard.
albaGUI is a panel with function to easily create GUI.
Interface implementing the Observer of the Subject/Observer design pattern.