16#ifndef __albaGUIDialogPreview_H__
17#define __albaGUIDialogPreview_H__
albaGUIDialogPreview - a dialog widget with a render window.
virtual ~albaGUIDialogPreview()
wxBoxSizer * m_RwiSizer
Sizer used for the vtk render window and if you want to plug any gui on bottom of the RWI.
wxBoxSizer * m_PreviewSizer
Sizer used for the preview render window.
albaRWI * GetRWI()
Return the dialog's render window.
albaGUI * m_Gui
Gui variable used to plug custom widgets.
albaGUIDialogPreview(const wxString &title, long style=albaCLOSEWINDOW|albaRESIZABLE|albaCLOSE|albaUSEGUI|albaUSERWI)
albaGUI * GetGui()
Return the dialog's gui.
albaRWI * m_Rwi
Render window.
albaGUIDialog is the base class for albaDialogs.
albaGUI is a panel with function to easily create GUI.