17#ifndef __albaWizardWaitOp_H__
18#define __albaWizardWaitOp_H__
Implementation of the message object for the Subject/Observer design pattern.
albaEvent - Class implementing ALBA application events.
class name: albaOpWizardWait Simple op with only an next-step button create to insert pause during wi...
albaWizardWaitOp(const wxString &label="Go to text step\n")
void OnEvent(albaEventBase *alba_event)
Event management.
bool Accept(albaVME *node)
Return true for the acceptable vme type.
albaOp * Copy()
clone the object and retrieve a copy
albaTypeMacro(albaWizardWaitOp, albaOp)
RTTI macro.
void OpRun()
Builds operation's interface.