17#ifndef __albaGUIVmeChooser_H__
18#define __albaGUIVmeChooser_H__
bool(* ValidateCallBackType)(albaVME *)
Implementation of the message object for the Subject/Observer design pattern.
class Name : albaGUICheckTree.
albaGUIDialog is the base class for albaDialogs.
Widget representing the tree that allow the user to choose a VME.
Display a modal dialog filled with a vme tree and return the choosed vme.
ValidateCallBackType m_ValidateCallback
void OnEvent(albaEventBase *alba_event)
process the events sent by subjects
std::vector< albaVME * > ShowChooserDialog()
albaGUIVMEChooser(albaGUICheckTree *tree, wxString dialog_title="Vme Chooser", void *vme_accept_function=0, long style=REPRESENTATION_AS_TREE, bool multiSelect=false, albaVME *subTree=NULL)
albaGUIVMEChooserTree * m_ChooserTree