17#ifndef __albaGUILutEditor_H__
18#define __albaGUILutEditor_H__
28#include "vtkLookupTable.h"
49 albaGUILutEditor(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID
id = -1,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
50 const wxSize& size = wxSize(300,800),
long style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
72 void CopyLut(vtkLookupTable *from, vtkLookupTable *to);
Implementation of the message object for the Subject/Observer design pattern.
albaGUILutEditor : vtkLookupTable Editor
vtkLookupTable * m_ExternalLut
Given lut that will be modified by "ok" or "apply".
void OnEvent(albaEventBase *alba_event)
process the events sent by subjects
wxString m_UserLutLibraryDir
wxString m_NewUserLutName
albaGUILutSwatch * m_LutSwatch
void SetLut(vtkLookupTable *lut)
Assign the external lookup table to the widget.
albaObserver * m_Listener
wxComboBox * m_UserPresetCombo
void UpdateWidgetsOnLutChange()
static void ShowLutDialog(vtkLookupTable *lut, albaObserver *listener=NULL, int id=MINID)
Show the dialog.
double m_ValueRange[2]
Value range of the current lookup table.
wxComboBox * m_PresetCombo
albaLUTLibrary * m_UserLutLibrary
virtual ~albaGUILutEditor()
albaGUILutEditor(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=-1, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxSize(300, 800), long style=wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
int m_NumEntry
Number of colors of the current lookup table.
int m_Preset
Index of lookup table preset.
albaGUIColorWidget * m_ColorWidget
void UpdateLut()
Update the internal Lookup Table according to the preset selected from the combo box.
void CopyLut(vtkLookupTable *from, vtkLookupTable *to)
Copy the external Lookup Table given by the user to the internal one.
vtkLookupTable * m_Lut
Internal lut – initialized in SetLut.
virtual void SetListener(albaObserver *Listener)
albaGUILutWidget * m_LutWidget
albaGUILutSwatch : widget representing a LUT, usually used to call the LutEditor.
A component to handle lookup table libraries.
Interface implementing the Observer of the Subject/Observer design pattern.