26class vtkPolyDataMapper2D;
32class vtkALBAAnnotatedCubeActor;
33class vtkALBAOrientationMarkerWidget;
34class vtkALBAGlobalAxesPolydataActor;
93 void SetPose( vtkMatrix4x4 *abs_pose_matrix = NULL);
111 friend class albaAxesTest;
Create 3D axes representation and insert them in the passed renderer: axes can be global (World Coord...
vtkALBAAnnotatedCubeActor * m_AnnotatedCubeActor
void SetVisibility(bool show)
Set the axes visibility.
vtkPolyDataMapper2D * m_AxesMapper2D
void SetPose(vtkMatrix4x4 *abs_pose_matrix=NULL)
Force the position of the Axes, if omitted the ABS vme matrix is used instead.
vtkActor2D * m_AxesActor2D
vtkALBAGlobalAxesPolydataActor * m_GlobalAxesPolydataActor
vtkALBAOrientationMarkerWidget * m_OrientationMarkerWidget
vtkLookupTable * m_AxesLUT
albaAxes(vtkRenderer *ren, albaVME *vme=NULL, int axesType=TRIAD)
Constructor note: given renderer ren cannot be NULL.