

December 01, 2019

It is a great pleasure to inform you that we have released nmsBuilder 2.1 via This new release includes software enhancement, updated documentation and test data. In particular, there is compatibility of the exported models with OpenSim 4.0. The new features are described as follows:

    • Fixed model export for OpenSim 4.0 compatibility (ASCII format)
    • Updated to 64 bit
    • Exception Management (you can save your work in case of application crash)
    • Rewrited DICOM importer, now based on GDCM DICOM Library
    • new ".nms" project extension
    • Added Snapshot Manager
    • Added Arbitrary Orthoslice view
    • Slicing pipes optimized
    • Better quality on RX-CT projection
    • Bug fixes


Journal article about nmsBuilder 2.0 published in Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

September 22, 2017

The journal article “Valente G, Crimi G, Vanella N, Schileo E, Taddei F. nmsBuilder: freeware to create subject-specific musculoskeletal models for OpenSim, Comput Methods Programs Biomed 2017, 152: 85-92” has been published.

The article presents nmsBuilder v2.0 by describing the overall functionalities and the workflow for creating OpenSim models through a case study of an MRI-based musculoskeletal model of the lower limb.



November 23, 2016

It is a great pleasure to inform you that nmsBuilder v2.0, including major software enhancement, has been released via

nmsBuilder is a freely-available software application to process biomedical data and create subject-specific musculoskeletal models for OpenSim.
Specifically, nmsBuilder allows users to perform the pre-processing phase of subject-specific musculoskeletal modeling from three-dimensional geometries and to create models in the OpenSim file format. nmsBuilder can import different kinds of biomedical data, interactively visualize them, fuse them in a coherent representation, manipulate landmarks, surfaces and volumes, define and calculate musculoskeletal parameters, and finally create and export musculoskeletal models for the OpenSim software.

nmsBuilder v2.0 features a major software refactoring, including integration of the OpenSim 3.3 library and Application Programming Interface, upgrades to latest Multimode Application Framework library, and graphical restyling. Particularly, no additional software is needed to create and export OpenSim models, and the concept of the modeling pre-processing workflow is completely new. The result is a more stable, user-friendly and advanced version of the application.

nmsBuilder is developed at the Bioengineering and Computing Laboratory (BIC) of the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute (Bologna, Italy), it has been presented in a reference publication, and is being increasingly used for research.